Ed’s Notes
Perspectives on technology, higher education, and the world
Originally published at World Minded https://www.wm.edu/offices/revescenter/publications/worldminded/2020-fall/2020-fa-intheirownwords.php Heritage I was born and raised in Damascus, the capital of Syria. Often called the “City of Jasmine,” it is rich in culture, history, and heritage. I grew up in the southeast area of the capital, close to the old Read more
Affordability is a serious issue facing higher education. Getting a college or university degree is becoming more important today than at any other time in history. In fact, 95 percent of jobs created since the end of the US recession in 2009 were filled by people Read more
When IT leaders are faced with challenges or making decisions, they need to establish certain principles that should guide their decision-making process. Those principles should be rooted in the purpose of IT or all service organizations for that matter. Supporting personal devices Student-centric IT service delivery Read more